
Showing posts with the label Sokoto Mission

Kano-ACReSAL participates in the Sokoto Mission

The mission which is scheduled to last from 11-14 March, 2024 provides the opportunity to test run the feedbacks for the training on landscape restoration received from FAO; showcase result stories from States and engage with counterparts and communities.  In a statement posted on the official Facebook page of the program, said the World Bank practice manager Ms. Lia Sieghart engaged with stakeholders at the Presidential Lodge, Government House in Sokoto, where she expressed that the objective of the mission is to access success of the project implementations and areas that needs support to accelerate the attainment of the Project Development Objectives.  Sokoto State Government under the leadership of the Executive Governor Dr. Ahmad Aliyu reiterated commitment of his administration towards the success of ACReSAL for the betterment of his people, sighting the approval of 1 billion naira counter funding as his administration's determination towards promoti