
Showing posts with the label Maradonism

A Journey In Service: Why Maradonism Is Still In IBB’s Blood.

I am okay to state my final take (point of view) about General Ibrahim Babangida’s memoir, which I spent hours–if not days reading, which also stirred a lot of controversies in Nigeria both on and offline.  After reading the book, I now sense the reason behind the famous nickname of  “Maradona” which was given by Nigerians to IBB when in power. His capricious moves, unpredictable actions when he was in power, as well as his witty confession a year after leaving office, have proven him to embody Legendary, Armando Maradona’s skills who was the best footballer of his time. Although IBB is now older, he still seems to bear the spirit of ‘Maradonism’ to outsmart and outmaneuver millions of Nigerians, including his contemporaries, those who were alive to witness the heydays of his controversial administration.  Like any other ‘autobiography’ or ‘memoir’ nonetheless, one scarcely appears unambiguous, honest, blunt, and forthright in narrating the truth behind one’s ...